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The Barwick Newton National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund was established in 2004 to assist with transportation and other expenses incurred by family members of fallen officers who travel to Washington, DC to participate in National Police Week for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial dedication in Washington, DC.
The Fund is named to honor our son St. Louis Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Barwick and honor Missouri Trooper Michael Newton, both of whom were killed in the line of duty.
The Fund was established when a trooper's family underwent financial hardship in order to travel to Washington to honor their loved one during National Police Week. Officer Barwick's father, Mitch and Trooper Steve Davis set himself a goal of raising just enough money to cover the trooper's family expenses. The idea of a Fund was born. The family of officer Barwick wanted to start a Fund to honor their son and help families of fallen officers. Missouri Trooper Steve Davis helped by contacting Bill Gibb with the Transportation Research Project (TRP) who helped set up the Fund.
The Fund operates to prevent other families from experiencing similar difficult circumstances when the names of their loved ones are added to the memorial.
The Fund is unique for its singular focus on paying family members of fallen officers travel expenses so they may participate in the memorial recognition ceremonies the year their fallen officer is honored.
The families who are to be potential recipients receive submissions from law enforcement organizations and others who work with law enforcement. A selected group researches potential recipients. Families are then chosen by the Selection Committee, which is composed of representative from National Association of Police Organization, members of national law enforcement organizations and a family member of a fallen officer.
The Fund works closely with Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (COPS) and the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund in Washington, DC. All recipient families stay in COPS-approved lodgings and are encouraged to take part in all COPS programs.
We are a 501 (3) C Tax-Exempt Fund.
Barwick Newton National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund provide financial support for surviving families of officers lost in the line of duty, including, but not limited to, travel costs to attend the Washington DC National Police Week memorials during the year their officer is recognized, scholarships for surviving children and spouses, and travel costs to attend Concern of Police Survivors retreats.
Purpose of the fund
The Barwick Newton National Law Enforcement Fund is intended to recognize and honor officers who are killed in the line of duty while working to protect our streets and highways, and families. Specifically, the Fund is intended to assist with transportation and other travel costs related to bringing the family members of fallen law enforcement officers to Washington, DC Law Enforcement Memorial recognition ceremony honoring the fallen officer the year their name is added to the memorial wall. The Fund selects families who would have a financial difficult circumstances to travel to Washington to honor their loved one during National Police Week.
Promotion of the fund
To work with law enforcement agencies and associations, including without limitation organizations that plan and develop law enforcement recognition events to promote the use of the fund.
Submissions and Selection of recipients
Potential family of fallen officer killed in the line of duty submissions are from law enforcement organizations and others who work with law enforcement. A selected group researches potential recipients. Families are then chosen by the Selection Committee, which is composed of representative from National Association of Police Organization, members of law enforcement organizations and a family member of a fallen officer. The Fund checks information with the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund in Washington, DC. The Selection Committee will select those to be honored by the Fund.
Family members will not be eligible to receive monies if they have received funds from others for the purpose of travel to National Police Week and the National Law Enforcement Memorial ceremony the year their fallen officer name is added to the memorial.
Recipients Encouraged
The Fund works closely with Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (COPS). All recipient families stay in COPS-approved lodgings and are encouraged to take part in all COPS programs.
Procedures for Supervising Grants
Fund monies shall be only used for the intended purposes of the Fund, namely covering costs and expenses to bring the families of fallen law enforcement officers to Washington DC for National Police Week. Recipients must comply with all procedures designed to ensure proper use of this Funds monies. Families are required to use the Fund's monies to stay at COPS approved lodging.
Nominating Committee
Nominating recipients come from Law Enforcement Departments
Selection Committee
Bill Johnson, Executive Director National Association Police Organization
Sergeant Terry Sloan, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department
Board Members
Lt. Steve Davis - President and Co-Founder
Mitch Barwick - CEO and Co-Founder (Survivor)
Sgt. Cody Fulkerson - Vice President
Julie Seymore - Head of Fund Raising
Darlene Reed - Board Member
Tom Smith - Board Member (Survivor)
Karen Cunningham - Board Member
Janice Barwick - Treasurer (Survivor)