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Grant Recipients for 2009
| | Deputy Sheriff Dustin Shawn Duncan
of Oklahoma, was killed in an automobile accident. He is survived by his father, mother, and a sibling.
E.O.W. February 4, 2008 | To Barwick Newton National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund
“In May of 2009 we had one of the most unforgettable experiences of our lives. The path leading to the experience was a difficult one, but what we gained made the path more bearable. First, we must go back to the point that began our journey. Our son, Dustin Duncan, was a Deputy Sheriff for Latimer County Oklahoma. He had been in law enforcement for over 8 years, and loved his job. He was engaged to be married, and was making plans for the future. On the morning of February 2, 2008, he was 5 minutes short of ending his shift when he was killed instantly in a head-on collision with a pickup traveling at 65mph. He would have celebrated hes 29th birthday on the 27th of February. In that single moment, our lives would be forever changed. As with any loss, our son.s death consumed our lives, and if not for our church and the thin blue line of his fellow officers surrounding us like a shield we would have been totally lost. The brotherhood of law enforcement officers is one that goes beyond that of even .best friends.. It is bolstered with respect and honor of not only the profession but the individuals who have chosen to make it their career and especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. When others have gone home and the family is left alone, it is the fellow officers who step forward. This leads us to our experience in May. We were honored to be allowed to go to Washington D.C. to participate in the National Law Enforcement Week activities along with the C.O.P.S. (Concerns of Police Survivors) conference. We would like to relate a few highlights of our trip.We stepped off the plane at the airport not knowing exactly what to expect, and were totally overwhelmed at the sight of a line of officers awaiting our arrival. They immediately surrounded us and started gathering our bags and escorting us to waiting buses to transport us to our hotel. Since we were first year survivors, we were taken to the host hotel, the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center. We were amazed at the number of officers there to escort us, and how organized everything was. We were escorted in the same manner everywhere we went, and were treated like royalty! Any and every need was provided for. The entire week was set up to allow us to participate in as many activities as we wanted to. We were overcome by emotion at the sight of thousands of candles lighting the night at the candlelight vigil at the National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial, and were equally overcome by pride at the Memorial Services held on the White House lawn, where our officers were remembered and honored. That thin blue line was there making sure things were done in a respectful manner. We would like to thank them. One of the most rewarding parts of our journey was meeting and bonding with others who understood our loss and were there to give and receive support. We met so many wonderful people-officers, families of officers, and co-workers of officers who all shared losses, and fellow officers who were there to show their respect and remember the fallen. Our state C.O.P.S. organization president, Carol Botts, gave us encouragement to attend and provided us with all the necessary information to begin planning. We were assisted in our travels by the Barwick Newton National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund, which made it possible for us to attend. Without their help, we quite possibly would not have been able to have this once in a lifetime experience. We will never be able to fully express our gratitude for this opportunity. We pray that we will be able to attend again annually in the years to come...to continue to receive and give the support of the thin blue line.
Family of Dustin Duncan | Police Officer Robert A. Davis
of Texas, was struck by a patrol car (responding to another backup call) while clearing flares at an accident. He is survived by his mother.
E.O.W. December 1, 2008 | | Sergeant Monty Carmikle
of Arkansas,was killed in a helicopter crash. He is survived by his wife and son.
E.O.W. November 16, 2008 | To the Barwick Foundation
Thank you seems so simple for the gift of being able to go to the Memorial Service in May that honors fallen officers. Our journey began on November 16, 2008 around 1:00 a.m when my husband‘s helicopter went down while he was looking for spot lighters. He had been with the Arkansas Game & Fish for 23 years, that is all I know as we were married 23 years in September. At 2:00 a.m. Monty‘s best friend, also the Assistant Director of the G&F, knocked on my door. I remember going to the door and seeing Loren and backing away saying this is not happening and at that point he says I went to the floor and he carried me to the couch. Next to his God and family, Monty loved the G&F. I still say that he died doing what he loved best, next to watching our son play football. We were told about the tribute that in May each year to honor fallen officers killed in line of duty (that is still so hard to say) and my son said we were going no matter what because his dad deserved this honor. Linda Craig, with the Arkansas C.O.P.S. organization tried to prepare me for what we would be in store for in Washington as we planned the trip. Nothing can prepare you for walking off the plane and seeing police officers lined up and saluting you as you walk off that plane. That was the beginning of a week that my son and I will always cherish. From being escorted to the hotel by motorcycle officers that day to being able to go anywhere in town and the officers were there to take you it was an experience that my son and I will never forget. The candlelight ceremony was beautiful and emotional. Seeing Monty‘s name on the wall the first time made it real they say I‘m still a baby in the grief process (as it was 6 months at the time of the trip) . The ceremony on Friday was very emotional and awsome and that doesn‘t even come close to saying how I felt. You see there are people here in Arkansas that still don‘t see Arkansas Game and Fish Wildlife Officers as law enforcement (even though they have the same police powers as all law enforcement officers in the state as well as extra for the G&F) so for my husband to finally get the recognication he deserves, even if it was in death, makes me so proud. For your organziation to help us get to Washington makes it that much sweeter as I am sure Monty is looking down and saying, “Thank you for taking care of my family“. Law enforcement in our town and county was hit hard by Monty‘s death, as he helped each agency in this area often, and they have continued to take care of my son and I, and I am not sure how I would have made it this far without them or my church, family and friends. Again thank for including us and sending us to Washington doesn‘t seem like enough to say. I will do anything I can to support your foundation and will always give you the acknowledgment for your help because without you it would have been very financial draining but with your help, my son and I were able to go and enjoy. With much love and thankfulness always, Mary and Caleb Carmikle |