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Grant Recipients for 2010
| | Police Officer Joshuah Patrick Broadway
Montgomery Police Department E.O.W. January 25, 2009
Officer Joshuah Broadway was involved in an automobile accident. A vehicle traveling in the opposite direction suddenly turned in front of his patrol car. He succumbed to injuries sustained 10 days earlier. | | Officer Chris Marano
of the Arizona Department of Public Safety, was struck and killed by a patrol car involved in a vehicle pursuit as he laid out spike strips. He is survived by his wife and 4 daughters.
E.O.W. December 17th, 2009
| I cannot thank you enough for being so supportive to my son Robert and me. If it was not for your financial support through the Barwick Newton National Law Enforcement Fund and your great emotional support, we would not have been able to be in Washington, DC at Police Week to honor my son Christopher. It was a wonderful experience, one I would not have wanted to miss for anything in the world. To share our story with others who were going through the same pain and feelings of loss helped to alleviate some of the loneliness and pain we felt. The fact that your fund works with the parents (instead of the spouse) of the fallen officer is a blessing as no other organization does this. Most organizations state they are there for the parent;s, as well as the spouse, but in my experience they quickly forget the parents and focus on just the spouse‘s needs. This leaves the parents foundering on their own. You fill a very vital need in the law enforcement community and I hope you will continue to do so for many years. The Barwick Newton National Law Enforcement Fund is so special and unique! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your family has done to help my family in these troubled and trying times. Your help and support is greatly appreciated!
Sincerely, Katherine and Robert Marano | Police Officer Julius Keith Moore
of St. Louis City, died as a result of injuries sustained during an on-duty vehicle accident on October 6, 2009. He was 23 years old. E.O.W October 15, 2009 | I would like to thank you for sponsoring my mother, father, and I on the trip to Washington , DC . This trip was very overwhelming but also the being of a healing process for us. We deeply appreciate you guys for making it possible for us to attend. Prior to this trip, I personally felt left out and that all the attention was directed at his wife and sometimes but not all the time towards my parents. I felt like no one really cared what I was personally going through. After attending the Guns and Hoses here in St. Louis , I somewhat connected with some other siblings who knew and understood what I was going through, but that was it. On this trip, I was able to meet other individuals that felt the same way that I did and could relate. Eventhough I have not met another sibling in my same situation where I am left here with no other siblings, I did meet other siblings that felt the same way that I did. This was an awesome trip that I will never forget and it also made me want to get involve and make some changes happen. I want to thank you all again for sponsoring us! |